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Bed Bugs

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Muncie Bed Bugs

Pest Control of Muncie prides itself in having some of the best Muncie bed bug exterminators. Here lately, in the past several months alone, we’ve witnessed a rather significant spike in bed bug calls. Nobody knows for sure why there is a surge of bed bugs in Muncie, but based on what we have experienced and been informed of by our clients is that second-hand furniture and other larger item purchases seem to play a larger role than we’d like to admit.

We can’t think of anybody who doesn’t mind bed bugs in their home. Unlike harmless spiders, bed bugs aren’t something that you can just ignore. Bed bugs will most definitely feast on you while you’re asleep. Bed bugs feed by piercing the skin with what’s called a stylet. This allows them to retrieve the blood in your blood vessels to enjoy a meal for up to five minutes before venturing back to its original hiding spot. Bites from bed bugs can have adverse reactions to certain people including swelling, itching and pain.

It’s not uncommon to not notice the bugs themselves. Bed bugs will usually hide in small crevices and only come out at night. You cannot confirm bed bugs if you only being bitten and haven’t noticed any other bed bug signs. Why? Because other pests can bite too; while you’re sleeping and while you’re awake! A way to determine present bed bugs, aside from the many bites on your body, is to notice dark blood or fecal matter from the bed bugs on your bedsheets. If you are unable to officially confirm active bed bugs but are seriously worried they exist in your property, you might want to consider finding somewhere else to sleep until they are taken care of.

If you suspect you may have a bed bug infestation, Pest Control of Muncie can treat all your bed bug problems and provide the bed bug treatment you need! If you want the best bed bugs treatment in Muncie, then you should call Pest Control of Muncie at (765) 215-2214 today!

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